TicketsLand provides you with a great platform to sell your event and earn money by helping distribute tickets of all other events. TicketsLand offers you 50% of the total TicketsLand revenue. Earn easy in just few steps.
Sign In / Register
Start, Promote and Sell you event easy and secure
Sell you event easy and secure
Whether you're hosting a conference, ticketing a festival or running a world class bakery event, our organiser platform helps you get up and running in no time. Manage events, promote and track of your sales via analytics 24/7
Distribute other event tickets and earn money
Promote events and earn money
Reach target consumers and convert their interest into sales more easily with our partner distribution system. TicketsLand organisers help each other by selling all available events and earn you money!
Register or Sign In into your TicketsLand account and enter your cabinet
In your cabinet go to Organiser page and click New Event
Fill in all the fields and click Save to publish your event

Meet other Organisers and Boost Up your sales!

Reach target consumers and convert their interest into sales more easily with our partner distribution system. TicketsLand organisers help each other by selling all available events and earn you money!
Become Organiser

Organiser Benefits

Organisers gain access to personalised cabinet with essentials they need to start selling tickets in minutes. A platform for small and complex events!
Access real-time sales and check-in data, keep track of your analytics, see your event promoters, manage and promote your event 24/7.
Gain promoter's rights to all of your live events. Generate your unique link on each event and start promoting. Receive 5% from each ticket you sell
Keep track of your event ticket sales and attendees from your smartphone. Use our App for rapid ticket scanning and make it easy to delight your attendees and keep them coming back.